Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Jumping the gun

I was scrolling through iTunes this morning, and I ran across my little collection of Bing Crosby Christmas carols. I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but it's cold out today, and I, for one, am looking forward to the season.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Why would I go to a Salsa dance party at an MIT dorm when:

I don't salsa, because I have Irish Rhythm

I went out the last couple nights and just wanted to relax

I have attended MIT dorm-sponsored dance parties in the past, and know how painful they are

Because of women.

UPDATE: The evening ended as expected.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Money for nothing

Chicks for free.

I got to learn to play the guitar.
On the MTV

that ain't working. that's the way you do it.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The ambiance cost

I'm posting this from Darwin's where I'm (nominally) working. I totally love going somewhere that isn't the office to work, but I always get a lot less done than I probably would were I sitting in front of my two screens. Sanity is worth it.


Watch out, ladies.


I've been in a humorless funk for the last three weeks or so. It's because my thesis work sucks, and also I suck at it. I should try to look on the bright side. During the last three weeks:
-- Fiona Apple released a new album.
-- I discovered a new coffeeshop that has free wireless.
(Darwin's in Harvard Sq.)
-- Four new shirts
-- Hiked for an hour in the Blue Hills
-- Spent $12 on Pancakes (with native blueberries, bacon, fresh
fruit and coffee), and still made it back by sitting and
grading papers while I ate.
-- My labmate Zubair got engaged.
-- The Boilers won a Big 10 game.
-- I dressed as a man for Halloween.

There you have it. News of the good from where I sit. Tomorrow I wake to blazing sunshine.