Friday, February 16, 2007

James Sherley, We Hardly Knew Ye --

"I will either see the Provost resign and my hard-earned tenure granted at MIT, or I will die defiantly right outside his office," -- James Sherley, Feb. 5th


Dear colleagues:

As MIT observes its Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration today, I want to thank my supporters and other sympathizers of my hunger strike outside of the offices of the President and Provost. I am ending this part of my struggle. Starting today, I will in fact break my fast, in celebration of the attention that has been brought to bear on issues of equity, diversity, and justice at MIT and in higher education. Carefully modified from the original, my demands are still on the table. I urge the administration to act in good faith, to openly acknowledge and respond to the lines of communication and negotiation that have been in place for two weeks and to find its way to meet these demands.

Sincerely yours,

James L. Sherley


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