John Edwards gives me the heeby-jeebies.

It's not so much that I don't like lawyers as much as that I don't like this one... There's something unseemly about a guy who gets super rich because bad things happened to other people. Yes you helped the victims get relief from the big bad company, but is that really a good way for YOU to end up with a gazillion dollars? I think tort reform should just mean that lawyers don't get a % cut of lawsuit money.
You just hate Edwards cause he pretty.
I'll make you a deal: we cap lawyer's fees and CEO compensation.
It seems fair to me as long as we only cap CEOs whose companies add nothing to the GDP. I agree that RobinHoodCorp's CEO should only make a maximum of 500% of Littlejohn's janitor salary. My problem with trial lawyers is that they are net negatives for the total economy. I'm not saying that's bad, as capitalism requires checks, and those aren't free, but you should only get to make obscene profits if you're helping to make the society at large get richer as you do it. And the Breck hair bothers me.
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