Thursday, November 10, 2005


I've been in a humorless funk for the last three weeks or so. It's because my thesis work sucks, and also I suck at it. I should try to look on the bright side. During the last three weeks:
-- Fiona Apple released a new album.
-- I discovered a new coffeeshop that has free wireless.
(Darwin's in Harvard Sq.)
-- Four new shirts
-- Hiked for an hour in the Blue Hills
-- Spent $12 on Pancakes (with native blueberries, bacon, fresh
fruit and coffee), and still made it back by sitting and
grading papers while I ate.
-- My labmate Zubair got engaged.
-- The Boilers won a Big 10 game.
-- I dressed as a man for Halloween.

There you have it. News of the good from where I sit. Tomorrow I wake to blazing sunshine.


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