Friday, July 01, 2005


I've always felt an aversion to "climbers". In high school, these were the kids for whom life began when they got their acceptance letter from Yale or Stanford or wherever, and high school was just a series of application padding activities. A formidable number must not have been very good at the game in high school, because they ended up at Purdue with me and the rest of the 89% who get accepted there. There, they grade-grubbed and vied for leadership positions in student organizations. And studied to classical music. To this day listening to "The Four Seasons" feels affected and false, as if I'm still hoping to get into Harvad med.

Did I mention that I was on the MIT Chemical Engineering Department's Graduate Student Council during the 2003-2004 academic year? I was in the National Honor Society in High School. I ran track in 6th grade. I can juggle.


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