Thursday, April 28, 2005


I've had a morning full of deep thinking already, and it's only 10. Weighty questions have been juggled. How many shades off of true white should I allow my white albacore tuna to be before I become suspicious? They wouldn't can bad fish would they? Why would Major League Baseball scedule a day when neither the Cubs, nor the Red Sox play a game? Doesn't Congress require MLB to harvest a certain quantity collective fan pessimism each day? Should I wear shorts and flip flops on faith that it'll warm up? Isn't Bob likely to be nicer to me if he gets an eyeful of shapely Theis calf? And now dear reader(s), I invite you to weigh in on this one... is it possible for a single person to be nothing but happy for their attractive (opposite gender) friend when said friend finds love?


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