Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Something of Substance

When I started this blog a year ago, it was my intention to create a mixed bag. Lots of little posts about nothing along with the occasional weighty piece. In addition to the obvious benefit the world would reap with exposure to my deep well of wisdom, I looked forward to sending some blood in the direction of my writing muscles. I haven't written anything non-technical since my sophomore year in college, and I haven't written anything good since high school. Naturally, I've posted minimally about the small ideosyncracies this past year, and not at all about things that matter. In part, this is a time issue. I have plenty, but I love to waste it until it seems as though I'm squeezed. Also, and more tellingly, I am afraid to put forth serious ideas. Genuine effort makes one vulnerable, because if it sucks, it's still the best you've got. But oh hell, only three people read this anyway, so I'm going to give it a whirl.


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